Resolution Number 98-04

A resolution of the Town of Deer Trail Colorado, supporting the I-70 corridor Chamber of Commerce in its efforts to produce a regional economic development plan. 

Whereas, the Town of Deer Trail is an active member and supporter of the 1-70 Corridor Chamber of Commerce; and

Whereas, the Town appreciates the chamber's ongoing efforts to promote regional cooperation among the five communities and two counties that make up its service area; and

Whereas, there is a critical need for coordinated economic development efforts in the corridor as we work together to meet the challenges of growth and change; and

Whereas, the Chamber, through the Town of Bennett, is seeking grant assistance from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and its Smart Growth Regional Partnerships program to bring consulting assistance to this project.

Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail that the Board strongly endorses the grant application and pledges its active support in a successful economic development planning project for the region.

Introduced passed and resolved this fifth day of May 1998.

LeRoy A. Koch, Mayor

Jessica E. Stombaugh, Town Clerk