Resolution Number 86-04

Resolution to participate in a self- insurance pool-Cirsa

Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Deer Trail has reviewed a contract to cooperate with other municipalities to participate in a self-insurance pool, a copy of which contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated into this Resolution: and

Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Deer Trail finds that the Town is lawfully authorized to self-insure and to participate in a self-insurance pool as set forth in Exhibit "A", and that such participation would be in the best interests of the Town of Deer Trail.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that:

  1. The Mayor and Town Clerk are authorized to sign the contract, incorporated herein and attached hereto as exhibit "A", on behalf of the Town of Deer Trail. 
  2. Participation in and insurance coverage under CIRSA shall take effect on the first day of February 1986.

Mark Dille, Mayor of the Town of Deer Trail

Attest: Tam M. Intermill, Town Clerk