Resolution Number 14-10

Title: A resolution setting forth the fees that may be charged for open records requests under the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. § 24-72-200.1, et seq.

Whereas, the Colorado Legislature recently amended the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. § 24-72-200.1, et seq., limiting the research and retrieval fees that may be charged for public records requests; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees desires to adopt a resolution to comply with the recent amendments to the Colorado Open Records Act.

Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado, as follows: 

Section 1.

Pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-72-205(6)(a), the first hour of research and retrieval time under the Colorado Open Records Act, C.R.S. § 24-72-200.1, et seq., shall be free of charge; however, the Town reserves the right to charge a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour in quarter hour increments for any additional staff time devoted to researching and retrieving the requested infonnation. Anyone submitting a request for electronically stored public records or for a voluminous or broadly stated request shall remit a deposit to cover the estimated costs of researching and retrieving such information before any such search commences.

Section 2. 

The Town Clerk shall post to the Town's website the aforementioned research and retrieval fee policy upon passage of this Resolution.

Introduced, Read, and Adopted this 2nd day of July 2014.

Kent Vashus, Mayor
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado

Attest: Wendy Haywood, Town Clerk