A resolution adopting the 2003 Colorado Municipal records retention schedule.
Whereas, the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado, recognizes the need for a comprehensive records retention schedule for the destruction of nonpermanent municipal records and the retention of municipal records of enduring and historical value; and
Whereas, the Colorado State Archives adopted the Model Municipal Records Retention Schedule for statewide use by Colorado municipalities in January 2003; and
Whereas, adoption of the Model Municipal Records Retention Schedule and its subsequent revisions and amendments will benefit the Town of Deer Trail, its residents, and its taxpayers by providing minimum retention periods for its municipal records.
Now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail Colorado:
Section 1.
That the Model Records Retention Schedule approved by the Colorado State Archives in January 2003, is hereby adopted by reference, along with its subsequent revisions and amendments and that the Town Clerk's Office will obtain the required authorization from the Colorado State Archives to follow said schedule for the disposition and retention of the Town of Deer Trail's municipal records.
Introduced, read, and adopted this 3rd day of August 2004.
Beryl H. Rector, Mayor
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado
Attest: Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk