Ordinance Number 268

An Ordinance concerning recreational vehicle parks be it ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado that. 

Section 1.    

The Board of Trustees hereby adopts the following regulations regarding Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks:

  1. Definition

    Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park means any tract of land held under single ownership or unified control upon which one (1) or more recreational vehicles may be located, whether or not a fee is charged for use of the property.

    Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks 


    The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide standards for RV Parks to identify to applicants the requirements of the Town of Deer Trail for RV Parks and to facilitate the creation of high-quality RV Park projects. A final determination of the actual design of any project is subject to the review and approval of the Board of Trustees.

    Minimum facilities for Recreational Vehicle Spaces.

    The area devoted to each recreational vehicle space shall be adequate to accommodate the following facilities:

    • Picnic Facilities. Each space shall be provided with a fireplace or fire circle, a picnic table and well-drained, level site.
    • Parking Space. Each space shall provide one (I) graveled parking space.
    • Vehicle Barriers. Adequate barriers shall be provided to confine vehicles to driveways and parking spaces.<

    Easements, Rights-of-Way, Public Open Space and Common Areas.

    1. Open Space and Common Areas. Recreational vehicle parks/campgrounds shall provide public open space of common areas in an amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the total area of the park or campground. Maintenance of private common areas within a park or campground shall be the responsibility of the owner and operator.
    2. Dedication of Easements, Rights-of-Way, and Public Lands. Applicants shall submit a warranty deed or file a plat of the site to assure the dedication of all easements and public lands prior to the approval of the permit application. All lands, including easements and rights-of-way to be dedicated shall be accompanied by full legal descriptions prepared by a Colorado licensed or registered professional land surveyor.
    3. Restrictions. Land to be provided for public and/or private recreational use and/or open space shall not include any area dedicated as a roadway, campsite or RV space, storage area or any area required for setbacks.

    All recreational vehicle spaces shall abut upon a driveway, graded for drainage and maintained in a rut and dust free condition, which provides unobstructed access to a public street or highway. The minimum unobstructed width of such driveways shall be fifteen (15) feet for one-way traffic or twenty-five (25) feet for two-way traffic. No parking shall be permitted on the driveways.

    All park and campground walkways and bicycle paths shall be gravel or hard surfaced. Walkway widths shall not be less than five (5) feet wide and all roadways. walkways and bicycle paths shall be proved with illuminations of not less than twenty-five (25) watt lamps at intervals of not more than one hundred (100) feet.

    All RV and campsites shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. free from hazardous and noxious materials, weeds and refuse. The park/campground owner shall be responsible for ensuring compliance.

    Water Supply and Distribution

    1. Comply with Standards. A domestic water supply that is in compliance with the drinking water standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment shall be provided in each recreational vehicle park. This also includes appropriate backflow and cross connections prior to the first tap to the park. Appropriate methods and/or devices will be used and tested to comply with State regulations. Where a public supply of water of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made thereto and it shall be the exclusive supply used. When such a public water supply is not available. a central water supply system may be developed and used if it meets standards of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the ordinances of the Town of Deer Trail.
    2. Located to Avoid Contamination. Every well or suction line of the water supply system shall be located and constructed in such a manner that neither underground nor surface contamination will reach the water supply from any other source.
    3. Treatment. The treatment of a private water supply shall be in accordance with applicable state and local laws and regulations.
    4. Connection. The park's water supply system shall be connected by pipes to all recreational vehicles, buildings, and other facilities requiring water.
    5. Equipment. All water piping, fixtures and other equipment shall be located, constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations and requirements.
    6. Pressure. The system shall be so designed and maintained to provide a pressure of not less than twenty (20) nor more than eighty (80) psi, under normal operating conditions at service buildings and other locations requiring portable water supply.
    7. Separation. A minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet shall be maintained between all domestic water lines and sewer lines.
    8. Underground Valves. Underground stop and waste valves shall not be installed on any water service.
    9. Supply. The water supply shall be capable of supplying one hundred (I 00) gallons per space per day for all spaces provided with individual water connections.
    10. Individual Water Service Connections. If facilities for individual water service connections are provided, the following requirements shall apply.
      • Riser Pipes. Riser pipes provided for individual water service connections shall be so located and constructed that they will not be damaged by the parking of recreational vehicles. Water riser pipes shall extend a minimum of four (4) inches above ground elevation unless recessed in a box or sleeve. The pipe size shall be three-quarter inch.
      • Prevent Freezing. Adequate provisions shall be made to prevent freezing of main service lines, valves and riser pipes.
      • Valves. Valves shall be provided near the outlet of each water service connection. They shall be turned off and outlets capped or plugged when not in use.
      • Connection. The park's water supply system shall be connected by pipes to all recreational vehicles, buildings and other facilities requiring water.
    11. Water Stations.
    • Stations for Recreational Vehicle Area.    Each recreational vehicle parking area shall be provided with one or more easily accessible watering stations for filling water storage tanks. Such water supply outlets shall consist of at least a water hydrant and the necessary appurtenances and shall be protected against the hazards of back flow and back siphonage.
    • Stations for Tent Camping Area. Each tent camping area shall be provided with at least one individual watering station no more than two hundred (200) feet from any tent camping space. Riser height shall be between thirty (30) inches and thirty-two (32) inches, and a splash pad shall be installed around the base.

    Section 15.10.080-Sewage Disposal.

    An adequate sewage system shall be provided in each recreational vehicle park for the purpose of conveying and disposing of all sewage. Such system shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with state and local laws.

    1. Sewer Line. All sewer lines shall be located in trenches of sufficient depth to be free of breakage from traffic or other movements and shall maintain a minimum horizontal separation of ten (10) feet from all domestic water lines. Sewers shall be at a grade that will insure a velocity of two (2) feet per second when flowing full. All sewer lines shall be constructed of materials that comply with state or town regulations and with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
    2. Sewage treatment and/or discharge. Where the sewer lines of the park are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into any waters of the state except with prior approval of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
    3. Individual Sewer Connections. If facilities for individual sewer connections are provided, the following requirements shall apply:
      • Sewer Riser Pipe. The sewer riser pipe shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in diameter, shall be trapped below the ground surface end shall be so located on the trailer space that the sewer connection to the trailer system will approximate a vertical position.
      • Sewer Connection. The sewer connection shall have a nominal inside diameter of a minimum of three (3) inches and the slope of any portion thereof shall be minimum of one-eighth inch per foot. All joints shall be watertight. Each RV in an RV Park shall have an individual sewer connection.
      • Materials. All materials used for sewer connections shall be corrosive resistant, nonabsorbent and durable. The inner surface shall be smooth.
      • Plugging. Provisions shall be made for plugging the sewer riser pipe when a trailer does not occupy the space. Surface drainage shall be diverted away from the riser
    4. Solid Wastes. No liquid wastes from sinks shall be discharged into or allowed to accumulate on the ground surface. The owner shall provide for trash removal on a regular basis.
    5. Sewage Treatment and/or Discharge. Where the sewer lines of the travel trailer parking area are not connected to a public sewer, all proposed sewage disposal facilities shall be approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment prior to construction. Effluents from sewage treatment facilities shall not be discharged into any waters of the state except with prior approval of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

    Fire Protection

    Adequate fire protection shall be provided and shall be in compliance with all applicable fire codes and standards. All campgrounds shall be equipped at all times with fire extinguishing equipment in good working order and of such type, size and number and so located as prescribed by the authorizing local fire suppression organization.

    Electrical Distribution and Communication Wiring

    1. Electrical Distribution System. Each recreational vehicle park shall contain an electrical distribution system to each lot or recreational vehicle site, consisting of wiring, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances thereto which shall be installed and maintained in accordance with state and local regulations. Telephone and cable TV systems may be installed and maintained.
    2. Approval by Utility. All plans for the above services shall have the approval of the responsible utility prior to local approval of park plans.

    Required Community Sanitary Facilities.

    1. Central Service Building. A central service building containing the necessary toilet and other plumbing fixtures specified shall be provided in recreational vehicle parking areas that provide spaces for vehicles and for tent camping areas. Service buildings shall be conveniently located within a radius of approximately three hundred (300) feet to the spaces served.
    2. Sanitary Facilities for Women. Sanitary facilities for women shall include a minimum of one and one-half flush toilet, one lavatory and one shower for each fifteen (15) recreational vehicle or tent spaces or fractional number thereof. 
    3. Sanitary Facilities for Men. Sanitary facilities for men shall include a minimum of one flush toilet, one urinal, one lavatory and one shower for each fifteen (15) recreational vehicle or tent spaces or fractional number thereof.
    4. Recreation Vehicle Park Connected to Resort. When a recreational vehicle park requiring a service building is operated in connection with a resort or other business establishment, the number of sanitary facilities for such business establishment shall be in excess of those required by the schedule of recreational vehicle spaces and shall be based on the maximum number of people allowed to use such facilities.


    1. Attendant. An attendant or caretaker shall be on site and in charge at all times to keep the park, its facilities and equipment in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition.
    2. Owner Answerable. The owner shall be answerable for the violation of any provision of these regulations.
    3. Refuse Handling. The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in a recreational vehicle park shall be so arranged as to not create health hazards, rodent harborage, insect breeding areas, accident or fire hazards, or air pollution. All refuse shall be disposed of at either a municipal or County designated landfill site or by regular trash pickup by a trash collection company, at a minimum once per week or as directed by a Code Enforcement Official.
    4. Pest Control. Grounds, buildings and structures shall be maintained free of insect and rodent harborage and infestation. Extermination methods and other measures to control insects and rodents shall conform with local regulations and requirements of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Section 2.  

Ordinance No. 266 is hereby repealed in its entirety.

Section 3. 

If any section, subsection, or clause of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, and clauses shall not be affected thereby.

Section 4. Repealer.

All acts, orders, resolutions, ordinances, or parts thereof, of the Town that are inconsistent or in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency or conflict.

Section 5. Recording and Authentication.

Immediately upon its passage, this Ordinance shall be recorded in the Town of Deer Trail Book of Ordinances kept for that purpose, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and Clerk, shall be published as required by law.

Section 6. Effective Date.

This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after final publication.

Adopted and approved this 11th Day of February 2020. 


James Johnson
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado

Attest: Candice Reed, Town Clerk