Ordinance Number 243

An ordinance approving an annexation known as the Spur Mountain Timber Annexation to the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado.

Whereas, a petition for the annexation of certain unincorporated property, to be known as the Spur Mountain Timber Annexation and described in Exhibit A attached hereto, has been filed with the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail; and

Whereas, pursuant to C.R.S. § 31-12-108 to -110, the Board of Trustees on April 8, 2008, held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed annexation; and

Whereas, a notice of the hearing was published March 13, 20, 27, and April 3 in the Tr-County Tribune newspaper; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees, be resolution, has determined that the petition is in substantial compliance with the applicable laws of the State of Colorado, that the area proposed to be annexed is eligible for annexation, and further has determined that an election is not required, and further found that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon said annexations except any provided for in said petition.

Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado:

Section I. 

The annexation to the Town of Deer Trail of the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and known as the Spur Mountain Timber Annexation, is hereby approved and such property is made a part of annexed to the Town of Deer Trail.

Section 2.

The annexation of said territory is subject to the conditions provided for in the petition for annexation of said property filed with the Town of Deer Trail.

Section 3. 

This Board has determined that an emergency exists and ordains that this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon passage.

Introduced, read, adopted, approved and ordered published in full this 8th Day of April 2008.

Harry L. Vegter, Chairman
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado

Attest: Patti K. Owens, Town Clerk

Exhibit A

Legal Description of the Property

A parcel of land situates in the east half  (E 1/4) of section 13, township 5 South, Range 60 West of the sixth principal meridian, Arapahoe County, Colorado, said parcel being bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point being the most southeasterly corner of a parcel of land as conveyed by union pacific land resources corporation to Ray A. Addleman and Carol Addleman by special warranty deed dated March, 19m 1985 said point being on the south line of said section; thence along the boundary of said conveyed parcel, the following courses:

  1. North 26 degrees 58 minutes 38 seconds west, 1793.30. 
  2. North 63 degrees 01 minute 22 seconds east, 300.00 feet to a point 200 feet normally distant southwesterly from the main line track of the union pacific railroad company, as now constructed and operated; 

    Thence along a line parallel with and 200 feet normally distant southwesterly from said main line trac, south 26 degrees 58 minutes 38 seconds east, 1950 feet , more or less, to a point on the south line of said section; thence along the south line of said section north 89 degrees 23 minutes 51 seconds west, 338.46 feet to the point of beginning. 

    Contains 13 acres, more or less.