An emergency ordinance amending water and sewer system billing regulations and water and sewer charges, tap fees, and bulk water rates in the Town of Deer Trail.
Whereas, the Town needs to amend its water tap fees to address larger taps that are currently required; and
Whereas, the adoption of this Ordinance is therefore necessary as an emergency for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the Town in order to meet immediate needs for fees for larger water taps.
Be it Ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado that:
Section 1. Ordinance No. 252, Series of 2016, as amended, if further amended by this amendment to Section 6, subsection A as follows:
Tap fees. Water tap fees for connection to Town water and sewer systems shall be as follows:
- For water (residential and commercial) tap fees:
- ¾-inch tap: $5,000
- I-inch tap: $7,500
- 1 1/2-inch tap: $10,000
- 2-inch tap: $12,500
- 3-inch tap: $15,000
- 4-inch tap: $17,500
Section 2.
Except as specifically modified herein, Ordinance No. 252, Series of 2016, as amended, and Ordinance No. 17-04 remain in full force and effect.
Section 3.
If any section, subsection, or clause of this ordinance shall be deemed to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the validity of the remaining sections, subsections, and clauses shall not be affected thereby.
Section 4. Repealer.
All acts, orders, resolutions, ordinances, or parts thereof, of the Town that are inconsistent or in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency or conflict.
Section 5. Recording and Authentication.
Immediately upon its passage, this Ordinance shall be recorded in the Town of Deer Trail Book of Ordinances kept for that purpose, authenticated by the signatures of the Mayor and Clerk, shall be published as required by law,
Section 6. Emergency Clause.
The Board of Trustees hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Deer Trail due to the current and immediate need to have the fees for larger water taps in place when such taps are sought.
Section 7.
This Ordinance shall take effect as an emergency measure immediately upon this adoption.
Adopted and Approved this 9th Day of August 2018.
James Johnson, Mayor
Town of Deer Trail, Colorado
Attest: Candice Reed, Town Clerk