An ordinance vacating part of Tenth Street, commonly known as Jasmine Street, lying between 7th Avenue and Interstate 70 between blocks 31 and 36 in Union Pacific second addition to the Town of Deer Trail.
Whereas, there presently exists a portion of Tenth Street, commonly known as Jasmine Street, which lies between Blocks 31 and 36 of Union Pacific Second Addition to the Town of Deer Trail, extending from its intersection with 7th Avenue and deadening at Interstate Highway 70, and,
Whereas, this dedicated right-of-way previously requested to be vacated lies entirely within the Town of Deer Trail and has no common boundary with any other political subdivision; and,
Whereas, there is no public reason for retaining this portion of Tenth Street, commonly known as Jasmine Street.
Be it Ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado as follows:
Section 1.
That the following described dedicated right-of-way of Tenth Street, commonly known as Jasmine Street, located within the Town of Deer Trail, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, be and the same is hereby vacated:
- Tenth Street, commonly known as Jasmine Street, from its intersection with 7th Avenue to where Tenth Street deadens at Interstate Highway 70, lying between Blocks 31 and 36 of Union Pacific Second Addition to the Town of Deer Trail.
Section 2.
Upon vacation, property shall revert to the abutting property owners as provided by law.
This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after publication.
Introduced, read, passed, and ordered published this fourth day of November 1992.
Stanley R. Bell, Mayor
Attest: Tam M. Intermill, Town Clerk