An ordinance relating to the administration of sanitary sewer facilities and services of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado (Repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 134, as amended.)
Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado that:
- Ordinance No. 134 dated August 6, 1974, as amended, is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows:
Section 1.
Application for sanitary sewer services to any premises shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, and when such authorization is granted, shall prescribe the responsibilities for payment of all charges and fees in connection therewith.
Section 2.
Prior to installation, replacement, repair or disturbance of any sanitary sewer main or facilities, a permit
therefor in the form and content prescribed by the Board of Trustees must be obtained from the Town Clerk. A permit fee of $15.00 together with all reasonable additional costs for inspection, as determined by the Board of Trustees, shall be paid in advance of any construction, replacement, repair or disturbance of the sanitary sewer facilities.
Section 3.
All installations, replacements, repairs, and disturbances of sanitary sewer facilities shall be only in accord with specifications prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
Section 4.
Cutting, compacting, and re-paving of street cuts for water and sewer installations replacements, and repairs, shall be in accord with requirements prescribed by the Board of Trustees and in the absence of any requirements prescribed by the Board of Trustees, such work shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the Colorado Department of Highways.
Section 5.
Size and slope of public sewers and building drains (private sewers):
- Public sewers 15 inches or smaller in diameter, shall be designed to carry the estimated peak sewage discharge when flawing one-half full. Public sewers larger than 15 inches in diameter shall be designed to carry the estimated peak sewage discharge when flowing three-quarters full.
The size and slope of public sewers shall be subject to approval of the Board of Trustees and in no event shall the diameter of a public sewer be less than 6 inches. Minimum sizes and slopes shall be as follows:
Diameter of Public Sewer Percent Slope 6 inches 0.50% 8 inches 0.40% 10 inches 0.28% 12 inches 0.22% The size and slope of building drains (private sewers) shall be subject to Board approval, and in no event shall the diameter be less than 4 inches. Minimum sizes and slopes shall be as follows:
Diameter of Building (Private) Sewer Percent Slope 4 inches 1.00% 6 inches 0.50% 8 inches 0.40%
Section 6.
- No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to any public sewer or into any part of the sewage system any toxic, radioactive or flammable wastes, or any grease, or oils or any other substances that will solidify or become viscous.
- No sludge, solids or other waste materials removed from septic tanks or other similar facilities shall be deposited or otherwise placed in the public sewers or into any part of the sewage works.
Section 7.
Building sewers of all filling stations, garages, restaurants, car washes and similar business establishments having wash racks, grease racks or grease and oil producing waste products connected with the sewer-utility, shall provide a sand and grease trap of size and construction acceptable to the Board of Trustees.
Section 8.
No public sanitary sewer service line shall be less than ten feet away, measured horizontally, from any public water service line, except for crossings.
Section 9.
All costs and expenses of installing and connecting building sewers shall be borne by the property owner and the owner shall indemnify the Town from any loss or damage of the building sewer, The installing contractor shall provide to the Town within one week after completion of the installation, such data as the Town may require relative to the location of the sewer line and tap, referenced to a readily identifiable and permanent marker, and including the depth at which the tap was made. A sketch of the installation may also be required. Each owner shall be responsible for maintaining and/or replacing and repairing his building sewer in accordance with Town requirements. Each individual residential, commercial, educational, or industrial structure hereinafter constructed and connected to the Town system, shall have individual building sewer and connection to the public sewer.
Section 10.
The cost of extending public sewers which will benefit land or property under one ownership or subdivision, shall be borne entirely by the owner. The owner shall pay all engineering and construction costs of all sewer mains and appurtenances in and through his subdivision and shall also provide at no cost to the Town such easements as the Town deems necessary, in such locations as the Town specifies and approves. The installer shall guarantee the resulting sewage system for a period of one year following its completion and shall be responsible for any costs for repairs required during the guarantee period. Upon satisfactory completion of the sewage system, it shall become the property of the Town, provided however, that such acceptance shall not take place until the Board, or its duly authorized representative has given the facility final approval.
Section 11. Sanitary Sewer Service Rates
- A. Residential user
- Each dwelling unit is defined as one or more rooms constituting a separate independent housekeeping unit for permanent residential occupancy by humans, with facilities for cooking, eating, and sleeping, and shall include rooming or boarding houses which have not more than four (4) roomers. (Includes mobile homes, house trailers, and apartment houses.) Each dwelling unit will be charged $5,00.
- Motels - will be charged 10 cents per 1,000 gallons of water used through the water meter servicing the premises. (An on-site manager living on the premises shall be considered as living in a residential dwelling and the charge therefor shall be in accordance with the charges for a dwelling unit.)
- Commercial, industrial, educational and all users other than residential $5.00 per unit.
If in the sole opinion of the Board of Trustees, any user creates an excessive burden on the sewer system by reason of the type and quantity of discharge into the system, the Board reserves the right to assess additional reasonable charges to compensate the Board for the additional maintenance and service requirements.
Section 12. Sewer Tap Fees
- Residential users
- First dwelling unit - $200.00
- Each additional dwelling unit: $200.00
- Commercial, industrial, educational and all other users based on the size of the water meter used at the premises:
- 5/8-inch water meter - $200.00
- 3/4-inch water meter - $300.00
- 1 inch water meter - $500.00
- 1-1/4-inch water meter - $750.00
- 1-1/2-inch water meter - $1,000.00
- Larger than 1-1/2-inch water meter to be negotiated.
Section 13.
Any violation of this ordinance or of rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $300.00, together with applicable court costs.
Section 14 Severability
If any paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance is judicially held invalid or unenforceable, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining paragraphs, clauses or provisions hereof.
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict or inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
Emergency Clause
Because of the potential conflicting and inconsistent provisions of Ordinances now in effect, it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety to enact this Ordinance forthwith.
This Ordinance shall take effect November 3, 1982.
Introduced, read, passed, and ordered published this 3rd Day of November 1982
Robert Rector, Mayor
Tam M. Intermill, Town Clerk