Ordinance Number 149

An ordinance providing for the amendment of Ordinance Number 148 to change the effective date of said ordinance concerning the water service of the Town of Deer Trail. 

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado (the "Town") enacted Ordinance #148 on October 3, 1978, providing for the administration, enforcement, rate and fee
setting, and amendment of the water services of the Town, and having an effective date of February 1, 1979; and 

Whereas, the installation of water meters necessary for compliance with the Ordinance #148 will not be completed in time for the previous effective date of February 1, 1979.

Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Trustees for the Town of Deer Trail Colorado that:

  1. The effective date of said Ordinance #148 shall be amended so that said ordinance shall take effect.
  2. Effective date. This amending ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after the first day of publication in the Tr-County Tribune.

Introduced, read in full, adopted and ordered published once if full this 18th day of December 1978.

James W. Rossi, Mayor
Town of Deer Trail

Attest: Vera L Norris, Town Clerk

Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money Number 149

 A resolution appropriating sums of money to various funds and spending agencies, in the amounts and for the purposes as set forth below, for the Town of Deer Trail, Arapahoe County, Colorado, for the 1979 budget year.

Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail have adopted the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law, on October 16, 1978; and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees has made provision therein for revenues in an amount equal to or greater than the total proposed expenditures as set forth in said budget, and;

Whereas, it is not only required by law, but also necessary to appropriate the revenues provided in the budget to and for the purposes described below, so as not to impair the operations of the Town.

Now, therefore, be is resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado:

Section 1

That the following sums are hereby appropriated from the revenue of each fund to each fund for the purposes stated:

General Fund

General Government: $8,300
Public Safety: $2,737
Transfer to Firemen's Pension Fund: $400
Transfer to Road and Street Fund: $9,000
Total General Fund: $20,237

Water and Sewer Fund

System Operation: $4,000
System Maintenance: $3,000
Administration and General: $7,700
Debt Service: $12,746
Capital Outlay: $288,000
Total Water and Sewer Fund: $315,446

Road and Street Fund

Administration: $7,561
Maintenance of Condition: $5,474
Street Lighting: $3,885
Total Road and Street Fund: $16,920

Firemen's Pension Fund

Pension Benefits: $900
Total Firemen's Pensions Fund: $900

Special Revenue Sharing Trust Fund

Public Safety: $2,177
Total Special Revenue Fund: $2,177

Adopted, this 5th day of December 1978.

James W. Rossi, Mayor
Town of Deer Trail

Attest: Vera L Norris, Town Clerk