Ordinance Number 129

The Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Appropriating sums of money to defray expenses and liabilities of the Town of Deer Trail Colorado for the town's fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973, and ending on the last day of December 1973. 

Whereas, The Board of Trustees has, by ordinance, adopted a budget for the Town for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973, and ending on the last day of December 1973, and;

Whereas, The Board of Trustees has, by ordinance, made the proper tax levy in mills upon each dollar of the total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town such levy representing the amount of taxes for Town purposes necessary to provide for payment during the Town's said fiscal year of all properly authorized demands upon the treasury, and;

Whereas, The Board of Trustees is now desirous of making appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year.

Now therefore be it ordained by the board of trustees of the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado.

Section 1

That the following appropriations are hereby made for the Town of Deer Trail, Colorado, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1973, and ending on the last day of December 1973, from the General Fund for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the general government, public safety, public works, recreation, public health and contingencies.

Total General Fund $46,098.00

Section 2

That the sum of $13,200.00 is hereby appropriated for the operation and maintenance of the Town's water system.

Section 3

That the sum of $720.00 is hereby appropriated from the Firemen's Pension Fund for payment of firemen's pensions.

Section 4

That the sum of $2,400.00 is hereby appropriated from the revenue sharing trust fund for transfer to the general fund for the purchase of maintenance equipment.

Section 5

This ordinance shall supersede Ordinance No. 128, passed and approved this 20th day of December 1972.

Introduced, read, and adopted on first reading this 6th day of February 1973.

James W. Rossi, Mayor Town of Deer Trail, Colorado

Attest: Clerk