January 10, 2023 Minutes

Town of Deer Trail
Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Tuesday January 10th, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in a regular session on Tuesday January 10th, 2023, at the Town Hall, 555 Second Ave Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Behrens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Mayor: Judd Behrens

Trustees Present: Josh Hendricks, John Kettling, Gerry LaMont, Byron Mounce, Summer Ramirez

Staff Present: Ali Eldringhoff Town Clerk, Debbie Cowell Administrator

Approval of the Agenda

Trustee Kettling moved; Trustee Mounce seconded the motion to approve the agenda. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin
The mayor declared the motion carried.

4A. Approval of the regular meeting minutes

Trustee Hendericks moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for Tuesday December 15th, 2022. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

6. Approval of the Bills

Trustee Ramirez moved; Mounce seconded the motion to approve the bills. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

8A. Nuisance Ordinance

Trustee Mounce moved; Ramirez seconded the motion to table until Code Enforcement has written a draft to present to the board. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin
The mayor declared the motion carried.

8B. FM Antenna

Trustee Ranirez moved; Trustee Mounce seconded the motion to table once again until updates from engineers are available. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

8C. Ordinance 260- Dogs

Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to table this until our contract with Arapahoe County animal services is reviewed. The voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.


Mayor Behrens moved; Trustee Mounce seconded the motion to walk the property together. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

8E. Alternate securement options

Mayor Behrens moved; Trustee Hendricks seconded the motion to purchase the crystal plex hockey rink glass material on the condition that we get approval from SafeBuilt. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

9A. Medicare Insurance

Trustee Hendricks moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion approve a reimbursement for Debbie’s Medicare and supplement costs. Voting went as follows.

Yes: Hendricks, Kettling, LaMont, Mounce, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Kerin 
The mayor declared the motion carried.

Public Comment

There was concern about new home businesses opening in Deer Trial as well as possible health code violations. 
Mayor Behrens Adjourned the meeting at 9:22 p.m.