February 11, 2025 Minutes

Town of Deer Trail 
Board of Trustees 
Meeting Minutes 
Tuesday, February 11, 2025@ 7:00 p.m. 

Call to Order

The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in a regular session on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at Town Hall, 555 Second Ave Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Behrens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Mayor: Judd Behrens
Trustees Present: Ashley Buss, Brandon Rowley, Dara Sanders
Members Absent: Mary Arnold, Sandy Bell, Robert Rhodes

Staff Present: Debbie Cowell Town Administrator, Kimberly Sullivan, Town Clerk

Approval of the Agenda

Mayor Behrens asked for a motion to approve the agenda switching 9b & 9c, & adding 9i, Tablet Battery. Trustee Buss moved; Trustee Sanders seconded the motion to approve. The voting went as follows.

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes 

Mayor Behrens declared the agenda approved. 

4. Approval of the Minutes

Mayor Behrens asked for a motion to approve January 14, 2025. Trustee Buss moved to approve the minutes after the corrections. Trustee Sanders seconded the motion. rhe voting went as follows.

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, BelI, Rhodes 

The mayor declared the motion carried.

6. Approval of the Bills

Trustee Buss moved the bills to be approved, and Trustee Rowley seconded the motion. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, BelI, Rhodes 

The mayor declared the bills approved. 

7. Discussion

  1. Lincoln Health - Linda Messner attended via Zoom.
  2. Action Item(s) Follow-up
    1. Office Support - Trustee Sanders combined this with New Business item 9a
    2. Sewer Project - Mayor Behrens discussed the recent meeting with Element & Ramey in addition to going over Element's monthly update
    3. Easement Access - Trustee Rhodes advised there is no update currently. He plans to bring a draft to the board for the March meeting.
    4. Leak Forgiveness Policy Trustee Buss advised that he has not completed the policy as of this date. He plans to bring it to the March board meeting.
  3. Sewer Project Update Element Engineering

8. Old Business

8a. Drainage Study for Planning Commission

Mayor Behrens advised he's waiting for a third quote. 

9. New Business

a. Office Support

Trustee Buss moved to remove the item from new business. Trustee Sanders seconded. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes 

The mayor declared the motion passed.

b. Updated desktop for Town Clerk

Trustee Sanders moved to approve up to $1,000 for an updated desktop for the Town Clerk. Trustee Rowley seconded the motion. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion passed.

c. Leakage Policy

Trustee Buss moved the policy be tabled until the March meeting to allot time for completion. Trustee Sanders seconded tabling the policy. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion tabled.

d. Easement research via title companies

Trustee Buss moved to approve two title searches for up to $4 75.00 each to see if we can obtain the information we are searching for. Trustee Sanders seconded the motion. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion passed.

e. Charges for processing resident credit and debit cards in the office

Trustee Sanders moved the topic to be tabled until the Town Administrator can gather information from Clover on how this would work. Trustee Buss seconded tabling the policy. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion tabled.

f. Remove Utility payment option from PayPort

Trustee Buss moved utility payments be removed from PayPort so that all online utility payment transactions are housed in one database. Trustee Sanders seconded. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion passed.

g. Cedar Street Gas Liquor License Renewal

There was Public Comment from resident Phil Steel. See below under Public Comment for transcription. Trustee Buss moved th is topic to be tabled for a Public Hearing. Trustee Sanders seconded. Voting went as follows.  

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion tabled for Public Hearing.

h. Resident's Town Clean-Up

Trustee Buss moved to approve$ I ,700 for the 2025 Spring Clean-Up for Maverick to suppl) four roll offs. Trustee Sanders seconded. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion passed.

i. Tablet Battery

Trustee Sanders moved to approve $476.68 plus tax and shipping for a replacement battery for the meter reading tablet. Trustee Buss seconded. Voting went as follows. 

Yes: Buss, Rowley, Sanders, Behrens 
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Arnold, Bell, Rhodes

The mayor declared the motion passed.

Public Comment

a. Phil Steel regarding Cedar Street Gas Liquor License Renewal

Saturday, February 1, 2025, "Levi" was blind drunk begging Phil to kill him. Phil is not friends anymore with anyone at the comer store. On February 3, 2025, he stated he received a Facebook message from a comer store employee inquiring about the wellbeing of Levi. They had sold him vodka and wanted to know if Phil knew how he was.

Phil states that it was irresponsible to sell to Levi in his condition. Referenced the same as if someone with an FFL were to sell a gun to a murderous spouse. States the employees needed additional training and he had filed a complaint with the state. 

b. Ryan Kaleikini-Wolfc

Ryan Kaleikini-Wolfc wanted to know the status of the repair on 2nd Ave because there hasn·t been anything completed. Was advised they would be coming back.

c. Paola Jimenez

Paola Jimenez is a resident who had a large bill due to a leak.

11. Adjournment

Mayor Behrens adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m.

Judd Behrens, Mayor

Kimberly T. Sullivan, Town Clerk