Board Agenda - December 15, 2022

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Approval of the minutes
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s report
    2. Director’s report
  6. Approval and payment of the bills
  7. Discussion
    1. Lincoln Health 
    2. Ordinance 278- Byron 
    3. Variance 
  8. Old Business
    1. Element Proposal for engineering services- Nick
    2. Nuisance Ordinance update 
    3. Ordinance 291 changing late fees and fees to turn back on 
    4. FM Antenna 
    5. Ordinance 260- Byron
    6. ACMCYA sponsor update
    7. HOA 
  9. New Business
    1. Zoning Ordinance 279 – fees 
    2. Resolution 22-10 to appropriate sums of money
    3. Resolution 22-11   to set mill levies
    4. Resolution 22-12 to adopt the 2023 Budget 
    5. Alternative securement options 
    6. Deer Trail yearbook sponsor 
    7. Cedar GS liquor renewal license
    8. Elks Lodge Special Event Dinner 
    9. 2023 Memorial Park allocations 
    10. Executive Session- Personnel 
  10. Public comment
    The board of Trustees welcomes you and thanks you for your time and concerns. If you wish to address the Board of Trustees, this is the time set on the agenda to do so. Please state your name and then address the Board. Your comments will be limited to Five minutes. The Board may not respond to your comment this evening, rather they may take your comments and suggestions under advisement and follow-up later. Thank you.
    1. Adjournment