Town of Deer Trail
Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 15, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in a regular session on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at Town Hall, 555 Second Ave Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Behrens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Mayor: Staff Present:
• Judd Behrens • Kimberly Sullivan - Town Clerk
• Debbie Cowell - Town Administrator
Trustees Present: Trustees Absent:
• Mary Arnold • Summer Ramirez
• Sandy Bell
• Ashley Buss
• Robert Rhodes
• Brandon Rowley
3. Approval of the Agenda
Mayor Behrens asked for a motion to approve the agenda with the correction of white instead of red for 9d. Trustee Rhodes moved; Trustee Arnold seconded the motion to approve. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the agenda approved.
4. Approval of the Minutes - July 9, 2024
Mayor Behrens asked for a motion to approve the July 9, 2024, minutes. Trustee Buss moved; Trustee Rhodes seconded the motion to approve. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the minutes approved.
5. Reports
6. Approval of the Bills - August 2024
Trustee Buss moved the bills to be approved. Trustee Rowley seconded the motion to approve. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the bills approved.
7. Discussion
A. Lincoln Health
B. IJCA & Home Consortium
To join the IJCA & Home requires a board vote. This will be added to the Special Meeting agenda scheduled for August 20, 2024.
C. IGA between Arapahoe County & Town of Deer Trail
Doug Stern represented the county & spoke on the proposed IGA with the town. The county will continue mowing CR 38 & the town will be responsible for asphalt maintenance. The mayor directed the trustees to send any questions to the Town Clerk who will forward them to Doug.
D. Gifting property to Townhome owners
Trustee Rhodes presented to the board his idea of gifting town property at the townhomes to individual homeowners to elevate the question of “who is responsible for what” maintenance. He will compose an email to be sent to the attorney to ask for his input and potential cost to the town.
E. Code Enforcement
Susie had a conflict in schedule and was unable to attend this month.
8. Old Business
There was no old business to carry over to this meeting.
9. New Business
A. New billing system for utilities for the town
Trustee Rhodes made a motion to approve moving forward with the new billing system through Sequoyah. Trustee Arnold seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
B. Town’s response to the EAP’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCRR)
Trustee Buss made a motion to pay office staff overtime to complete the required Lead Service Line Inventory due to the state by October 16, 2024. Trustee Rhodes seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
C. SIPA Renewal
Trustee Rhodes made a motion to renew the SIPA contract for 8/19/2024 to 8/18/2025 for 11 Google Workspace subscriptions. Trustee Arnold seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
D. Tires for White town truck
Trustee Buss made a motion to use the tire shop in town, Avalos Tires, to replace all four tires with new A/T 10 ply for a total of $1,120.00. Trustee seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
E. Ordinance 307
Trustee Rhodes made a motion to approve Ordinance 307, “An ordinance amending sections 2-55 and 6-10 of the Deer Trail Municipal Code to create a Manufactured Home Park District and add definitions for the same.” Trustee Arnold seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
F. Fence at the cluster mailboxes in the newer subdivision
Trustee Buss made a motion to approve the repair of the fence at the mailboxes with a cost not to exceed $400.00. Trustee Rhodes seconded the motion. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Arnold, Bell, Buss, Rhodes, Rowley, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Ramirez
The mayor declared the motion carried.
10. Public Comment
A. Schabrea Anderson questioned if the maintenance department had a schedule for the rotation of flushing hydrants. There is not a set one Town Administrator Cowell advised.
B. Phil Steel had a complaint regarding the closing of the UPS store in Bennett and how it’s affected his ability to receive mail. Another attendee advised him to call U.S. Senator Michael Bennett to voice his complaint.
11. Adjournment
Mayor Behrens adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m.