Town of Deer Trail
Board of Trustees
Regular Meeting
Tuesday April 11th, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m.
Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Deer Trail met in a regular session on Tuesday April 11th, 2023, at the Town Hall, 555 Second Ave Deer Trail, Colorado. Mayor Behrens called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Roll Call
Judd Behrens
Trustees Present:
Heather Kerin
John Kettling
Gerry Lamont (late)
Summer Ramirez
Staff Present:
Ali Eldringhoff Town Clerk
Debbie Cowell Administrator
Approval of the Agenda
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve the agenda with the following changes. Add Item M Senior AD and replace Items G and H with Items A and B. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: LaMont, Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
4. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes
Trustee Kettling moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve the regular meeting minutes for Tuesday March 14th, 2023. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: LaMont, Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
6. Approval of the Bills
Trustee Kerin moved; LaMont seconded the motion to approve the bills. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
8A. Nuisance Ordinance
Trustee Kerin moved; LaMont seconded the motion to table. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
8B. Ordinance 260- Dogs
Trustee Mounce moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to table pending the final special meeting with code enforcement. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
8C. Minimum Lot Requirements
Mayor Kettling moved; Trustee Kerin seconded the motion to leave these requirements unchanged. The voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
8D. IGA Arapahoe County
Trustee Kettling moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to table until further information is
provided. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
8E. QuickBooks Renewal
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to move to the online QuickBooks with a budget of up to $1150.00. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9A. Girls Basketball Sponsor
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee Ramierz seconded the motion to approve $500 for the girls basketball team. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9B. Football Sponsor
Trustee LaMont moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve $500 for the Deer Trail Football team. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9C. Lloyd Variance Date
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to set the public hearing date for May 9th at 6PM. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9D. Code Enforcement Date
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to approve the final work session with Code Enforcement for April 20th with an alternate date of April 27th. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9E. Resolution 23-02
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23-02. A Resolution calling a special election to be held on Tuesday August 22, 2023, on the question of whether to approve a citizens-initiated nuisance ordinance and fixing the ballot title therefor. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9F. Resolution 23-03
Mayor Behrens moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve Resolution 23-02. A Resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to appoint Election Judges for the Town of Deer Trail Special Election to be held on August 22nd, 2023. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9G. Santec Proposal
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to table the proposal until Eric can provide a cost estimate. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Trustee LaMont moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to approve the CML Community Outreach date for May 17th. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9I. Road Maintenance Budget
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee Ramirez seconded the motion to allocate $5000 for crushed asphalt. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9J. Ordinance 295
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 295. An ordinance amending section 21 of Ordinance 288, regarding construction in the town right-of-way. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9K. Appointing a Trustee
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to appoint Robert Rhodes as trustee. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
9L. Swearing In
Trustee Robert Rhodes was sworn in.
9M. Senior AD
Trustee Kerin moved; Trustee LaMont seconded the motion to approve a half page AD in the I-70 Scout for the graduating seniors. Voting went as follows.
Yes: Kerin, Kettling, LaMont, Ramirez, Behrens
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Mounce
The mayor declared the motion carried.
Public Comment
Phil Steel suggested we review our master plan and re- appoint a planning commission. Pam had a question as to whether a resident had a fence permit and Steven suggested we include snow removal in our maintenance budget.
Mayor Behrens Adjourned the meeting at 8:49 p.m.